Essex Greenbelt II, with Rocks
This is one of my personal favorites.
It's funny how I can view a given piece of land a
hundred times without it being interesting, but one
day a particular combination of effects suddenly makes
it fascinating. This was one of those days. Captured
by the light on the marshes streaking past the point,
the meandering inlet, and the shapes of the distant
trees, I excitedly began this painting. I'd only just
captured the essentials when clouds rolled in. I was
able to return to the spot the next week to resume.
The combination of effects that had so delighted me
the week before were no longer as compelling (the
tree line shape, for example, having changed as the
leaves had fallen), but the prior day's layin had
captured the dramatic idea and original pleasing shapes
sufficiently so that I could use the layin, my visual
memory, and information from this second session and
to bring the piece to a finish.
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14 x 18
oil on canvas